Punk Band, Bar
Band, Frat Rock Band?

Do you know MxPx? They are featured in that Pepsi commercial
where the kids end up in the same mosh pit as their parents.
They are also re-making the song "Shout" for the 'Animal House
Anniversary Edition' DVD, and on September 16 they released
their latest CD Before Everything & After.
If you aren't yet a fan, you soon will be.
read more..
What Is Punk?
A Short Overview of Punk Rock Justin Tuesday 05 April 2005
Punk rock can be broken up into several different sub-genres.
While very different in some ways, all of these share common
characteristics. This short 'guide' will help dispel the
different stereotypes of certain types of music, and maybe
expose you to some new music as well...
Punk Rock
Reaches the Masses Jacen Phelps Tuesday 05
April 2005
I've been noticing lately the term 'punk' is being used by a lot
more people than before. What exactly seperates a punk from a
poser, anyway? Can pop-punk be punk, or is it all just more MTV
Getting Things
Straight...The Defenition of a Sellout
Jacen Phelps Tuesday 05 April 2005
A "sellout" in terms of punk rock is in fact NOTsimply a band
that gets mass air-time on MTV or VH1, as many people often say.
Most of the time these people are not knowledgable of punk
music. However, in most cases, any band that is a true sellout
will be seen on major networks quite frequently.
Just Justified
// Volume 1 Justin Conklin Monday 25 April
I have decided to start a column if you will, or a
reoccurring article by me about how I am feeling about the
scene. One thing that has come to my mind is all the new kids
who love punk rock; they act like they’ve been in it for years.
What Went Wrong?
Samuel-182 Sunday 10 April 2005
I decided to write this article to express my opinions on what
the music industry is doing wrong, and what needs to be done to
save it. If you disagree with me, good, if you agree with me,
good, this is my opinion and I'm not trying to force anyone onto
it. Enjoy.
Finding Emo
By: Unsung Zero Tuesday 05 April 2005
Finding Emo When defining emo to someone one will usually
describe it as really whiney punk. When in fact what you've
described is a small portion of the subgenre of emo. Like I've
said before, emo is an emotionally driven subgenre of hardcore.
Now, given THAT definition one could argue that all music is now
emo. But it's not.
Revolution Justin Tuesday 05 April 2005
The Anarchy Revolution is a straightforward and simple
conclusion to a totally free country. Contrary to many beliefs,
Anarchy is not a group of Terrorist or destructive people that
wish to cause trouble and riots. Anarchy is a form of
government, based on total freedom and a non-government society.
In the following paragraphs, I will explain in more detail how
an Anarchist society runs, operates, and how it compares to
today’s methods of government.
Justin Tuesday 05 April 2005
Actually, if you dont know what it means, it means Do
It Yourself. DIY is as old as punk (or at least as
old as hardcore). Now, what specifically is DIY? It's what makes
someone self-sufficient. It's what powers you when you've got
little or nothing left. It's what drives you to do something.
When all else fails, Do it your fucking self.
HARDCORE! Justin Tuesday 05 April 2005
Hardcore has always been one step ahead of punk ferocity. In the
old days hardcore was much more easier to define. It was faster
and louder than Punk. But the old definition has been for the
most part lost to the modern Punk populus. We call Black Flag
and Dead Kennedys and Bad Religion Punk Rock, from which
Hardcore was birthed, but they were most definitely in a league
all their own: Hardcore. |